Work process

Getting Things Done

Rapid Prototyping Rapid Results

Our process follows a "Lean" workflow where we strive for rapid feedback and continuous improvement.  The sooner we understand the problem the sooner we can start to solution and get ideas out for feedback.





We call it our 4R process....


Reach Out/In

Reach Out: “Context shapes design” We reach out to customers users and learn from them! The more we can understand our customers’ needs the better the outcome. Some customers come to us with a well-researched concept and we can align quickly with your prior work. In some cases, however, our customers have a general idea of what their problem or opportunity they need help with but need help planning an approach to supporting it with best practices in “design thinking”. Our team has over 25 years’ experience in market research, focus groups and one on one interviewing. We believe that helping our customers understand their users’ needs can be just as important and the solutions we design for them.



“Three words…Minimal Viable Product”. Many suffer from “analysis paralysis” or overthinking something. We have learned from our friends in Lean Startup that getting something out fast for feedback is much more effective than spending too much time aiming for perfection. Often, we learn that what we thought was the right product offering or solution will end up looking a whole lot different that the first time we envisioned it.



“Feedback informs and influences”. We are humble team that recognizes the importance of validating our assumptions and ideas. We will start from scratch or take your existing concept and test it with users. The sooner we can validate the good, bad and ugly…the faster we can help you launch your product or service.



“The key to relevance is re-invention”. We can get you something quick if needed but when appropriate, we strongly suggest you take the time to solicit feedback and validate prior to moving forward with manufacturing or implementation. We take what we learn and go back to the drawing board. We enhance your product through a proven product design process and approach. It is better to fail early then to disregard market advice or needs and produce something no longer relevant or needed.